Monday, April 19, 2010

Le temps du chant des oiseaux est venu.

We got a cool front! This one is a little late, I think it may be one of the last ones we get this year. It is an amazing change, as it was getting a bit warm for a while. It’s overcast, windy, and everything is green. I think that is the best weather. It’s also magnificent when it’s cold. There are also lots of wildflowers out, and they are SO beautiful. *grins* A few days ago, my three year old cousin and I were walking and picking daisies. She gave me a handful and told me I needed them if I ‘wanted to act like a girl’. She is so adorable! CHEC’s homeschool prom was on the 10th of April, and it was epic!! My shoulder was hurting for some reason; couldn’t really dance right.

By the way, I saw this somewhere and found it to be somewhat true:
Writers block: When your imaginary friends won’t speak to you.

I’ll post again later!
In Christ,

Solomon 2:12 The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come…