Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hush now. I just had an idea...

Listening to: My Own Little World by Matthew West
Quote love: "She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it)." -Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Who here loves inspiration?! The kind where you hear a word, a phrase, a picture, a song, and a story tells itself.

Sometimes you get a glimpse into the deepest part of your mind: the part that's like a room. The room where you know inspiration is. You can run endlessly through the passages and stairwells and rooms of your mind, but never find it. Most of the time, it seems, you can only find this room of inspiration by accident, if you're lost, or completely unsuspecting.

On the occasion you do find it, you breathlessly run in and see a vast room that is divided by endless rows of books. Shelves which are crammed with literature line the walls, and unidentifiable music plays distantly. You're not allowed to see the titles nor recognize the music. Not yet. Perhaps later. There's an open book on the floor in front of you. On the page is a word, a phrase, a picture, a song, or something only you can see. When you see it, a evanescent understanding floods your mind. It's a wonderful, beautiful, intricate, maddening idea.

Find a way to make yourself remember what was on that page, because you might never see it again.

It seems you're only allowed in this magnificent room for a few seconds before you're pushed out, the door slamming in your face, and the open book on the other side of a locked door. I hope you remembered everything you could.

Inspiration for this post: a photograph of a winding staircase.

What about you? What last gave you inspiration?

In His love and light, 

Monday, March 14, 2011

and the laughter slowly changed, so that all I heard was music

Listening to: Swan Song by Franz Schubert
Quote love: "The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul." -Johann Sebastian Bach

The music is soft in the distance and rain is falling from the sky tonight. 

When does a normal sound turn into music?

I remember the time when images danced in my mind and I heard the fall of rain. I looked up from a book to see raindrops glistening in the sunlight, streaming like tears across the windowpane.

I remember sitting on the playground swings at eleven o'clock at night with my amazing friend. The lights shimmered, and the stars looked as if we could take a handful if we reached. A conversation began with, "Do you remember that time when..." and halted in the middle as we laughed.

I remember when I stood along the edge of the ocean, listening to crashing waves, looking at shells and the shifting clouds, and scanning the horizon where the sky embraces the sea. I remember when my mind seemed to collapse on itself when I tried to imagine the greatness of our God.

I remember the times just after the rain, when the hazy sunlight illuminates the glistening grass, when the leaves gently slip to the ground, and the whisper as the breeze stirs the trees.

There was the falling rain, crashing waves, rippling laughter, whispering wind, and all I heard was music.

I don't think music has to consist of a musical instrument to be music.

 So step back and watch the lights, listen to the laughter, and hear the music which can't be heard. Take pictures in your mind, write them down as a reminder, and thank the Lord you were blessed to see such times. Because, after all, He's the reason we were there to enjoy them. :)

In His love and light, 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

what brings you joy?

Listening to: Well being by PartyLite (Oh. My. Goodness. It's so beautiful...)
Quote love: "If you don't find it in the index, look very carefully through the entire catalog." -Sears Roebuck catalog

What is joy to you?

When I look in the mailbox and find a hand-written letter with my name on it.

When I can sit and listen to the grass whisper.

When we remember that our God is great, magnificent, loving, and almighty.
When I get to pummel my family with random observations, comments, and notes. :)
Those times bring me joy.

What about you? What brings you joy?

In His love and light, 
Jessie Suzanne