Wednesday, July 27, 2011

say it with the accent.

Announcement: I'm working a on vlog, so that should be up in the next few days.
Listening to: Come Thou Fount by Stephanie Immordino

1) Cactus. Texans love us some cactus! *sarcasm*
2) It's heart shaped! See that?! 
3) If you don't say "barbed wire" with a Texas accent, 
then you ain't said it right. 
Bob wahr.

It's so hot here. It's in the 100s, peoples. This evening, I plan to set up a photoshoot of a glass of iced tea. I need new photography material; yesterday evening I was stalking the chickens around the yard. Apparently they're camera shy, because they fled to the woods.

Some friends and I went to see Captain America in the theaters. By the way, it's kind of creepy to see a boy in the previews who looks identical to your cousin. That surprised me...I was eating popcorn and almost choked. Anyways. Most of the movie was very good, but the ending was so weird. Marvel really least on the last scene.

How has your week been?

And remember: bob wahr.

In His love,


  1. Bob wahr. Got it. ;)
    Love the heart cactus. <3
    And looking forward to the vlog! :D

  2. Bless you Suzanne. I am always glad to hear it when my post has helped to encourage someone. :D

    Thank you for reading.



Hi! I absolutely LOVE comments and hearing what you have to say, but please keep it clean and encouraging. Thanks!

Colossians 3:17
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.