Monday, November 29, 2010

Chasing Butterflies

I've just gained a great amount of admiration for all the photographers who have the patience take pictures of butterflies. :) Really. I tried today. My family had the windows open, so they most likely heard my pacing and mumbling and pleads of "Stay still! Not you, the other one!" I never paid attention to how much butterflies moved about! Out of about thirty pictures, I only got one that wasn't blurred...

*ahem* I know this isn't a butterfly, but I think she is such a beautiful cat!

Her name is Avril. I just named her about fifteen seconds ago. :)

In Christ,

Friday, November 12, 2010

In which: photographs were taken

My mom and I were on errands and we saw an adorable alley. I sort of had to pull over and take pictures:


In Christ,

Monday, November 8, 2010

This week I'm loving:

1) January Storm. Yeah, I named a scarf. I've been working slaving on it for the past two days, and I love it! Right now, it's about four feet long. Pictures soon! 

2) Our Faith Bible Institute test! I was really worried that I wouldn't do well on it (it's a satellite college course), but the pastor who teaches it was explaining how it didn't really matter whether you had the highest grade. If you got an F, but learned a lot about Christ, then in God's eyes you did wonderfully. If you made an A, but didn't learn a thing, then you failed. That really helped with the stress, and the test really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I'm so happy I had the opportunity to be in that class and learn more about Christ!

3) The leaves! They're all changing! Yeah, it's November and they should already be changed. But I live in Texas, therefore it's still around 60 Fahrenheit. I plan to hold a photoshoot of leaves sometime...

4) Cherry Snapple. Have any of you ever tasted that?! My mom and I were on errands and I got one. I love it! Love as in, I almost like the cherry Snapple more than Dr. Pepper. That's adoration.

5) I Will Rise by Chris Tomlin. As soon as I bought this song, KSBJ began playing it every time I turned the radio on. It's a really sweet song (one of my favorites), so I don't mind! Personally, I think he's one of the few singers who sounds as well live as he does on CD.


6) Google. Without Google, my family would have had chicken and dumplings, minus the dumplings. I was in charge of the soup, as my mom wasn't feeling well. As I was uneducated in the process of making dumplings, I took solace in the knowledge of Google. Keep in mind that I'm not ignorant when it comes to cooking, but I was four when we last made this soup. ;) I didn't start a fire, nothing exploded, and everyone is still alive. That's success. (:

7) This post: Maggie from Bliss posted an amazing article about blogging. I read it a while back, and recently found it again. Wonderful job, Maggie! It's very helpful. 

8) Jeans that are torn at the knee. My favorite jeans recently acquired a hole in the right knee. Therefore, I've decided they have more personality than ever.

Have a wonderful week!
Love in Christ,


Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Colour of January Storms

I was reading Miss Eyebright's post about the adorable yarn she found, and I was reminded of how I miss knitting. This resulted in a trip to Hobby Lobby, and fifteen minutes of yarn-scavenging. I was having difficulties deciding if I should get the darker blue, which was thicker, or this lighter blue.  

My awesome mom walked over and explained that this colour reminded her of the horizon when a January storm was coming. It was decided. Being one who has an adoration of rain, I now own a skein of yarn the colour of January storms. *grins happily*

So, a scarf.
With tassels.

My mom and I were thinking of hats, but after the storm comparison, I think it would make a cute scarf. What do you guys think of it? :)

In Christ,